
《WARHAMMER 40,000: SPEED FREEKS》抢先体验现已开放


《Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks》这款免费游玩的多人战斗竞速游戏现已在 PC 平台上开放抢先体验。加入我们进入黑暗未来的残酷世界,只有最快、最狡猾和最残暴的兽人才能胜出。


概述: 抢先体验
《Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks》今天进入抢先体验阶段,限时开放。开发团队正在为今年下旬的正式发行作好准备,这也标志着第一赛季的开始。抢先体验包括:
两种游戏模式。在 Deff Rally 中,16 名玩家竞速争夺点并连续控制它们,然后冲刺到终点。 Kill Konvoy 特色是团队在强大的 Stompas 旁竞速,战斗和轰炸敌人以确保他们的 Stompa 先到终点。

  • 8 款车辆供玩家掌握和组合,以确保胜利。
  • 6 张史诗战场,代表《Warhammer 40,000》广阔、敌对和多样化的黑暗宇宙。
  • WAAAGH! 路径:核心进程系统,鼓励玩家游玩以解锁每季发布的新外观以及其他物品,如硬币和 Scrap Boosts。可选的高级订阅 ── 战利品通行证 ── 可以获得额外的独家物品。
  • 超过 100 种自订项目:车辆组件、涂装、轮框等。

抢先体验只是《Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks》的开始。第一赛季 ── 游戏的首次重大更新 ── 将于今年下旬推出,其中包括兽人自订功能,玩家可以自订他们的Pit Boss。此外,更新还将添加一款新车辆、一张新地图和各种其他改进。
要加入 Steam 平台上的抢先体验,用户需要注册或登入现有的 Speed Freeks 帐户。该帐户由 PROS 提供支持,这是 PLAION、Saber Interactive 和 Deep Silver 等公司即将推出的游戏的在线服务。
如要了解有关 Speed Freeks 帐户的更多详细信息,请浏览:
游戏:《Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks》
开发商:Caged Element

Games Workshop Group PLC (LSE:GAW.L), based in Nottingham, UK, produces the best fantasy miniatures in the world. Games Workshop designs, manufactures, retails, and distributes its range of Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 games, miniature soldiers, novels and model kits through more than 523 of its own stores (branded Games Workshop or Warhammer), its own web store, and independent retail channels in more than 50 countries worldwide. More information about Games Workshop and its other, related, brands and product ranges (including its publishing division ‘Black Library’ and its special resin miniatures studio ‘Forge World’) can be found at
Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2023. Speed Freeks, the Speed Freeks logo, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
About Caged Element
Caged Element is a passionate and independent game development studio that specializes in intense vehicular combat titles.  With their previous title GRIP, they unleashed a flurry of speed and chaos upon the gaming world, and are excited to extend that experience through SPEED FREEKS.  WAAAAGH!

PLAION is a dynamic and diversified business in the global entertainment sector, masterfully crafting franchises that captivate audiences worldwide. Boasting a vast network of eight game development studios, fifteen regional publishing offices, three game publishing labels including Deep Silver, and PLAION PICTURES as an independent film publisher and distributor, the company extends its influence with merchandise production and expansive distribution capabilities across the globe.
Founded nearly three decades ago, PLAION has firmly established itself within the entertainment arena. With a diverse range of services and solutions, PLAION stands as the premier publishing partner for console and PC games across both physical and digital channels. Moreover, its strong foothold in the Virtual Reality (VR) domain highlights the company's commitment to varied gaming experiences.
PLAION is an Embracer Group company.